
Showing posts from March, 2023


  Hi? My name is Samantha. I am 16 years old and a form 2 student at St Teresa’s Mundere Girls’ in Busia County, Kenya. My mum passed on when I was in class four, so it’s just my dad, me and my little sister. I really want to study but I am really facing a lot of struggles. I need your help to get a good education and help my family. My dad is a fisher man. This is his only source of income. He tries his best to keep me in school. He will give me from 200ksh to 1200ksh to help reduce my school fees. This is not enough to keep me in school for the entire term. Most of the time I get sent home due to my school fees balance and I miss out on a lot of classes. I live around 13KM from my school and I have to walk to school and back every day because I cannot afford to pay for transportation. I would really love to be in boarding school so that I am not too tired to read. School fees is the hardest part. I can survive as long as my fees is paid. Sometimes I miss upto a month of studi


 Thanks to Nyaruoth Yule Mmoja Today  Nelmar Foundation handed over a school bag n shoes to this amazing Angel whose a partial orphan and a grade one pupil at St Barnabas Nabutswi primary school.the headteacher was very greatful and so was the little princess  Putting a Girl in school, Quality education for All.